V eni izmed prejšnjih objav sem te povabila na kratek obisk v naše najemniško stanovanje (objavo najdeš na povezavi TUKAJ), danes pa ti bom pokazala, kako sem se lotila preurejanja enega dela stanovanja v otroški spalni kotiček. Ker bi bila ta objava predolga, sem jo razdelila v dva dela - prej in potem. :) Danes delim s tabo 3D poglede in fotografije, ki na pogled niso ravno najbolj privlačne, ampak prikazujejo delček kaosa, ki nastane, ko se jaz lotim preurejanja stanovanja. In naj povem, da je to kar pogosto. ;) Od kar sva v tem stanovanju sem verjetno polovico pohištva že vsaj 3x obrnila okrog. :D
In one of my previous blog posts, I invited you inside our rented apartment (you can find it HERE), but today I'm going to show you, how I started organizing and preparing a baby sleeping area. Since this post would be too long if I'd show you all in one blog post, I decided to divide it in two parts - before and after. :) In today's blog post I'll show you some 3D views and a few photos that are not the most appealing, but they show you a piece of chaos I usually make when I try to rearrange the furniture. And let me tell you, this happens quite often. ;) Since we've moved here, I probably turned around a half of our furniture at least three times. :D
Ker v stanovanju nimamo ločenih sob, je bila moja prva naloga poiskati najprimernejši prostor oz. kotiček za otroško posteljico. Najprej sem določila kakšno pohištvo sploh potrebujemo in nato stanovanje izrisala v 3D. Vanj sem postavila obstoječe in želeno pohištvo ter po sedmih različnih rešitvah prišla do tega, da bo najbolj primerno, če posteljico in vse potrebno postavim nasproti najine postelje, kjer se je prej nahajala garderobna omara. Tik za vrati v bivalni prostor je bil prej prazen prostor, ki ga je garderobna omara lepo zapolnila.
Sledilo je nakupovanje pohištva. Kupila sva rabljeno otroško posteljico, moj pogoj je bil, da je bela, ima zaprte krajše stranice ter nastavljivo višino ležišča. Uspela sva najti rabljeno posteljico, ki je, razen nekaj prask, lepo ohranjena, pa še dostavili so nama jo na dom že sestavljeno. :)
Pri izbiri predalnika sem gledala na to, da nima ročajev, je vsaj tako visok kot posteljica in da ima predale na polni izvlek. Pomembno je bilo seveda tudi to, da je dovolj trden in stabilen, da se ne bo prevrnil, ko bom odprla poln zgornji predal.
Največ časa sem porabila za iskanje primernega in udobnega počivalnika, ki ga na koncu sploh nisem izbrala jaz. Zgodilo se je, da mi je bil kakšen všeč, ampak je bil zelo neudoben ali pa je bil udoben in všečen, ampak prevelik za predviden prostor. Na koncu sva našla takega, ki je udoben in primerno velik, ima celo nastavljiv naklon hrbtišča in dodaten tabure za noge, vendar me je zelo motilo kromirano podnožje, ki nikakor ne gre zraven ostalega pohištva. Ampak včasih moram pri kakšni stvari tudi malo popustiti in tolažim se s tem, da se podnožja skoraj ne vidi. Mogoče ga celo prekrijem s kakšno preprogo. ;)
Pri izbiri predalnika sem gledala na to, da nima ročajev, je vsaj tako visok kot posteljica in da ima predale na polni izvlek. Pomembno je bilo seveda tudi to, da je dovolj trden in stabilen, da se ne bo prevrnil, ko bom odprla poln zgornji predal.
Največ časa sem porabila za iskanje primernega in udobnega počivalnika, ki ga na koncu sploh nisem izbrala jaz. Zgodilo se je, da mi je bil kakšen všeč, ampak je bil zelo neudoben ali pa je bil udoben in všečen, ampak prevelik za predviden prostor. Na koncu sva našla takega, ki je udoben in primerno velik, ima celo nastavljiv naklon hrbtišča in dodaten tabure za noge, vendar me je zelo motilo kromirano podnožje, ki nikakor ne gre zraven ostalega pohištva. Ampak včasih moram pri kakšni stvari tudi malo popustiti in tolažim se s tem, da se podnožja skoraj ne vidi. Mogoče ga celo prekrijem s kakšno preprogo. ;)
Since we don't have separate rooms in our apartment, my first task was to find the most suitable space for a baby cot. Firstly, I wrote down what kind of furniture we need and then I drew the apartment in 3D. I drew all the existing and new furniture inside and after seven different solutions, I found out that it would be the most appropriate to put the baby area on the opposite side of our bed, where we had our wardrobe before. Just behind the door to the main room, there was a perfect new empty space for a wardrobe.
Next, we had to buy all the furniture. We bought a second hand baby cot. I just wanted it to be white, with closed shorter sides and with adjustable mattress height. We managed to find a used cot, with a few scratches, but otherwise well preserved. They even delivered it to us and it was already assembled. :)
When choosing a chest of drawers, I was looking for one with no handles, that is at least as high as the cot and that I can fully pull out all the drawers. Of course it was also important that it's stable enough when I open the top drawer full of things.
I spent the most time searching for the perfect and comfortable armchair, but at the end it wasn't me who choose it. I found an armchair that I like, but it was uncomfortable or it was pretty and comfortable, but too big. At the end we found one, that it's comfortable and it fits perfectly in the corner, it even has an adjustable back and an additional foot bar, but I wasn't very happy about the chrome base, that doesn't really match with our furniture. But sometimes I have to let go and I'm glad that the base is a bit hidden. Maybe I'll even cover it with a carpet. ;)
Next, we had to buy all the furniture. We bought a second hand baby cot. I just wanted it to be white, with closed shorter sides and with adjustable mattress height. We managed to find a used cot, with a few scratches, but otherwise well preserved. They even delivered it to us and it was already assembled. :)
When choosing a chest of drawers, I was looking for one with no handles, that is at least as high as the cot and that I can fully pull out all the drawers. Of course it was also important that it's stable enough when I open the top drawer full of things.
I spent the most time searching for the perfect and comfortable armchair, but at the end it wasn't me who choose it. I found an armchair that I like, but it was uncomfortable or it was pretty and comfortable, but too big. At the end we found one, that it's comfortable and it fits perfectly in the corner, it even has an adjustable back and an additional foot bar, but I wasn't very happy about the chrome base, that doesn't really match with our furniture. But sometimes I have to let go and I'm glad that the base is a bit hidden. Maybe I'll even cover it with a carpet. ;)
Na renderjih spodaj lahko vidiš kako sem si zamislila končno postavitev (še z nekaj dodatki). Zelo bi si želela nad posteljico dodati še kakšno polico ali sliko, ampak ustvarjanje novih lukenj v stene trenutno ne pride ravno v poštev.
Kako je izpadel otroški kotiček v resnici pa si boš lahko ogledal/a v prihodnji objavi na blogu. :) Kako sem opremila preostanek najinega najemniškega stanovanja, pa si lahko ogledaš v objavi TUKAJ.
Kako je izpadel otroški kotiček v resnici pa si boš lahko ogledal/a v prihodnji objavi na blogu. :) Kako sem opremila preostanek najinega najemniškega stanovanja, pa si lahko ogledaš v objavi TUKAJ.
You can see on the renders below how I imagined the final result (with a some decorations). I'd really like to add a bookshelf or some pictures above the baby cot, but making new holes in the wall is not an option at the moment.
In my next blog post you'll be able to see how this baby sleeping corner looks in reality. :) Check out how I furnished the rest of our rental apartment HERE.
In my next blog post you'll be able to see how this baby sleeping corner looks in reality. :) Check out how I furnished the rest of our rental apartment HERE.
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