SLO | Otroško sobo je težko ohranjati urejeno, ko pa povsod leži ogromno igrač. Za te sem kupila nekaj različnih košar, ker otroci vanje hitro in enostavno pospravijo svoje stvari, hkrati pa izgledajo lepo in otroška soba ne deluje načičkano in neurejeno. Tokrat pa sem malo ustvarjala tudi sama in naredila vrečko za shranjevanje s podobo zajčka.
ENG | It is difficult to keep a toddler's room tidy when there are a lot of toys everywhere. I've bought a few different baskets, because children can put their toys away quickly and easily. At the same time baskets look nice and children's room doesn't look cluttered and untidy. This time I wanted to create something myself and I decided to do a toy storage bunny bag.
SLO | Za ta hiter in enostaven projekt sem uporabila stvari, ki sem jih oz. jih že imam doma.
Uporabila sem:
- neporisano vrečko iz tekstila (naročiš jo lahko prek spleta, v hobi trgovini ali pa jo lahko zašivaš tudi sam/a)
- kos kartona (lahko je tudi revija, časopis, odpadni papir,...)
- barvo za tekstil
- čopič
- sukanec in iglo
- škarje
- likalnik
Ko sem zaključila z risanjem sem pustila, da se posuši in nato sem jo polikala, da se barva utrdi.
I put a piece of a cardboard inside the textile bag so the fabric paint would no stain the other side of the bag. Then I started to draw. I decided to make a bunny face on the bag, but it could be anything.
ENG | For this quick and easy project I used materials I've already had at home.
I used:
- unprinted textile bag (you can get it online, in a hobby store or you can eve make it yourself)
- a piece of a cardboard (it can be a magazine, a newspaper, waste paper,...)
- fabric paint
- a brush
- thread and a needle
- scissors
- iron
When I finished drawing I left it to dry and then I ironed it to solidify the color into the textile bag.
SLO | Da bo polna vrečka lažje stala pokonci, sem spodnji del vrečke spodvihala, zalikala in zašila, tako da sem dobila cca. 10 cm široko dno. Če bi imela šivalni stroj bi šlo hireje in izpadlo bi veliko lepše, ampak pri meni ni bilo druge možnosti kot pa zašiti na roko.
Na vrhu sem nato odstranila zadnji ročaj, sprednjega pa zašila na polovici tako, da sem iz enega dobila dva ročaja, ki izgledata kot zajčja ušesa.
ENG | To make a bag full of toys easier to stand upright, I folded, ironed and sewed the lower part of the bag so I got about 10 cm wide bottom. If I've had a sewing machine, it would go faster and it would turn out even nicer, but there was no other option for me but to sew it by hand.
Then I removed one handle at the top and sewed the front one in half so that I got two handles that looked like rabbit ears.
SLO | S tako vrečko bo zdaj pospravljanje še bolj zabavno. V izdelavo vrečk vključi tudi (svoje) otroke, ki bodo z veseljem ustvarili svojo sliko ali vzorec. Mogoče bodo v svojo vrečko potem še raje pospravljali ;).
ENG | With a bag like this, tidying up will be even more fun. You can also include (your) children in making toy bags. They will be happy to create their own toy bags and draw a unique picture or a pattern. With their own bags, maybe they will even tidy up their toys faster.
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