SLO| Ob nakupu že rabljenega stanovanja/ hiše ali pa ob vselitvi v najeto, si najverjetneje želiš spremeniti postavitev pohištva ali celo zamenjati funkcijo prostorov. Mogoče se ti zgodi, da se vseliš v prazen prostor, ki ga nato opremiš in urediš glede na svoje potrebe, kar je sicer super, a kaj ko ti lahko vedno kaj pokvari načrte. Ena izmed motečih stvari so lahko obstoječe luči. Ti si želiš čudovito visečo svetilko sredi dnevne sobe, obstoječa luč pa je nameščena nad sedežno garnituro. Če je stanovanje tvoje, lahko nekoga najameš, ki ti bo luč prestavil, če pa te možnosti nimaš ali pa živiš v najetem stanovanju, je treba najti drugo rešitev.
S takšno težavo sem se srečala tudi v našem trenutnem stanovanju. Ob vselitvi je bilo praktično prazno, zato sem pohištvo razporedila tako, da bo čim bolj funkcionalno. Težava je nastala pri tem, da sem si želela viseče luči nad mizo, obstoječa pa je bila od mize oddaljena slab meter. Kaj pa zdaj, kako lahko enostavno nacentriraš stropno luč?
ENG| When you buy a second-hand apartment / house or when you move into a rental, you probably want to change the layout of the furniture or change the function of the certain room. Maybe you move into an empty space that you equip and organize according to your needs, which is great, but there is always a thing that can spoil your plans. One of these problems can be the existing lighting. You really want that awesome pendant light in the middle of your living room, but the lamp is installed above the sofa. If the apartment is yours, you can hire someone to remove it for you, but if you don't have that option and you live in a rental, you have to find another solution.
I had this problem in our current rented apartment. When we moved in, it was practically empty, so I organized the furniture in the most functional way possible. The problem was that I wanted to have a pendant light in the middle of the dining table, but the existing one was almost 1m away. Now what? How can you easily center the ceiling light?

I had this problem in our current rented apartment. When we moved in, it was practically empty, so I organized the furniture in the most functional way possible. The problem was that I wanted to have a pendant light in the middle of the dining table, but the existing one was almost 1m away. Now what? How can you easily center the ceiling light?

SLO| "Podviga" sem se lotila tako:
1. Kupila sem komplet za visečo svetilko (cca 2,50€), ki je vseboval kabel, baldahin in okov za žarnico. Nikjer nisem dobila črnega, zato sem se odločila da kupim črn mat sprej (4,19€) ter baldahin in okov za žarnico pobarvam. Kupila sem še črn kabel (3m = 1,05€), ker je ceneje zamenjati kabel, kot ga pobarvati.
2. Obstoječo svetilko smo odstranili. Njen spodnji del sem pobarvala s črnim sprejem in ga namestila nazaj na strop (in zakrila ne tako lep del stropa). Kar se tiče električnih del imam doma strokovnjaka, ki poskrbi za to, da so vsi kabli pravilno zvezani. ;) Tako je nov črn kabel povezal s kupljenim okovom za žarnico in vse skupaj pritrdil na žici, ki sta gledali iz stropa.
3. Kupila sem tudi paket lestenčnih kaveljčkov (1,59€ za paket 40 kaveljčkov) in enega prav tako pobarvala s črnim sprejem, ker črnih seveda niso imeli. Kaveljček se je pritrdilo v strop nad sredino mize, tam kjer sem želela da luč visi.
4. Kabel sem obesila na kaveljček in vse kar mi je še preostalo je to, da naredim senčilo za luč. Sicer so mi žarnice, ki visijo iz stropa zelo všeč, ampak jaz sem si zamislila nekaj večjega. :)
ENG| My "mission" started like this:
1. I've bought a pendant light set (cca 2,5€), which contained a cable, canopy for light and a fitting for a light bulb. I couldn't find a black one, so I've decided to buy a black matte spray (4,19€) to paint the light canopy and a fitting for a light bulb. I've also bought a black cable (3m = 1,05€), because it's cheaper to replace the cable than to paint it.
2. We replaced the existing ceiling light. I sprayed the base in matte black colour and put it back on (to hide the not-so-good-looking ceiling). I have an electrician at home who took care of all the cables. ;) He connected the new black cable with the light bulb fitting and the light canopy and connected it to the two wires on the ceiling.
3. I've also bought a package of small hooks (1,59€ for a package of 40 hooks) and I painted one with black spray, because I couldn't find a black one. We install the hook in the ceiling above the middle of the dining table, right where I wanted to hang the light.
4. I hung the cable on the hook and all I had to do was to make a lampshade. I like the light bulbs hanging from the ceiling, but I wanted something bigger. :)
ENG| My "mission" started like this:
1. I've bought a pendant light set (cca 2,5€), which contained a cable, canopy for light and a fitting for a light bulb. I couldn't find a black one, so I've decided to buy a black matte spray (4,19€) to paint the light canopy and a fitting for a light bulb. I've also bought a black cable (3m = 1,05€), because it's cheaper to replace the cable than to paint it.
2. We replaced the existing ceiling light. I sprayed the base in matte black colour and put it back on (to hide the not-so-good-looking ceiling). I have an electrician at home who took care of all the cables. ;) He connected the new black cable with the light bulb fitting and the light canopy and connected it to the two wires on the ceiling.
3. I've also bought a package of small hooks (1,59€ for a package of 40 hooks) and I painted one with black spray, because I couldn't find a black one. We install the hook in the ceiling above the middle of the dining table, right where I wanted to hang the light.
4. I hung the cable on the hook and all I had to do was to make a lampshade. I like the light bulbs hanging from the ceiling, but I wanted something bigger. :)
SLO| Če bi bilo stanovanje moje, bi namesto zakrivanja stropa s pobarvanim neatraktivnim pokrovom, le tega snela, strop pokitala in pobelila ter čez namestila kakšen lepši pokrov. Če bom našla kakšno ugodno varianto, bom to vsekakor naredila.
Luč je že visela, ko sem se lotila delati senčila iz vrvi. Ampak o tem v kakšni drugi objavi, bi te zanimalo? :)
ENG| If the apartment was mine, I would remove the base of the existing light, I would repair the small holes and paint the ceiling instead of using this unattractive painted lamp base. You can find so many nice light canopies out there. If I'll find a nice cheap one, I'll definitely change it. ;)
The light was hanging already when I started working on a round rope lamp shade. But I will talk more about this in some other blog post if you are interested? :)

ENG| If the apartment was mine, I would remove the base of the existing light, I would repair the small holes and paint the ceiling instead of using this unattractive painted lamp base. You can find so many nice light canopies out there. If I'll find a nice cheap one, I'll definitely change it. ;)
The light was hanging already when I started working on a round rope lamp shade. But I will talk more about this in some other blog post if you are interested? :)

xx, Maja
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