Friday, 2 December 2016


SLO | Počasi bom tudi jaz začela z okraševanjem božičnega drevesca in odločila sem se, da letos naredim nekaj okraskov tudi sama. Primer okraska, ki se ga naredi iz vrvice prilepljene na balonček, poznate verjetno že vsi, zato sem se odločila, da uporabim podoben postopek, le da sem namesto vrvice uporabila papirnate snežinke.

- vodne balončke
- bele A4 liste
- luknjač v obliki snežinke
- lepilo
- vrvica
- okrasni trak

ENG | I'll start decorating our Christmas tree soon and this year I decided to make some ornaments at home. You all probably know how to make these ornaments with a thread and a water balloon, so I decided to make similar ones, but instead of using a thread, I used paper snowflakes.

- water balloons
- white A4 papers
- snowflake paper punch
- white glue
- thread
- ribbon

SLO | Z luknjačem sem pripravila nekaj papirnatih snežink ter napihnila vodne balončke. V kozarec sem zamešala 1/2 lepila in 1/2 vode. Košček vrvice, ki bo služila za obešanje sem narahlo zavezala na zaključek balona, konca pa z lepilom pritrdila na balon; čez sem začela lepiti snežinke, tako da so se na konicah prekrivale. Ko sem ves balonček oblepila s snežinkami sem čez premazala z lepilom, tako da nobena snežinka ni ostala suha. Balonček sem obesila na vrvico, nekam v bližino radiatorja in počakala do naslednjega dne, da se dobro posuši. 

Ko so bile snežinke suhe, sem balonček spuščala ob tem pa so se skupaj stisnile tudi snežinke. Balonček sem pri vrhu odstranila, s pomočjo svinčnika pa snežinke potisnila nazaj na mesto, da so spet dobile svojo obliko. Iz okrasnega trakca sem naredila še majhno pentljo in jo nalepila na vrh.

Zdaj si pa spodaj še v slikah oglej postopek in končni rezultat. :)

ENG | I made some paper snowflakes with my new a paper punch and I blew up a few water balloons. I mixed a 1/2 of white glue and 1/2 of water in a plastic glass. I loosely tied a piece of thread on the balloon and I glued each end on it. This thread will be used for hanging up an ornament on a tree.  I began to glue the paper snowflakes on a balloon so that they overlap at the ends. I started at the ends of the thread, because I wanted to hide them and stick them to the final ornament. If that makes any sense. ;) When I finished, I put another coat of glue on all the snowflakes. I hung a balloon on a string, next to the radiator and I waited until the next day for it to dry well.

When the balloon and snowflakes were dry, I popped the balloon, which made the snowflakes to squeeze. I removed the balloon at the top and I used a pencil to push back the snowflakes in their previous shape. Then I used a ribbon to make a small bow and I glued it to the top of the snowflake ornament.

Now, check out the process and the final result on the photos below.

xx, Maja

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