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Vhodni trg / Entrance square |
Mislim, da sem z vami že delila razlog za mojo daljšo odsotnost na blogu, ampak sem se odločila, da delim še dokazno gradivo ;) Ukvarjala sem se z zaključevanjem svoje magistrske naloge z naslovom 'Idejna zasnova kopališča v Sežani' s katero želim pokazati potencial za razvoj novih športno - rekreacijskih dejavnosti v občini Sežana. Ukvarjala sem se z oblikovanjem prostora za druženje in športno udejstvovanje občanov vseh starost, ki bi v mestu dopolnil obstoječi športni program ter hkrati izboljšal turistično ponudbo kraja.
Naloga obsega idejno zasnovo pokritega bazena s spremljevalnim programom (fitnes, vodene vadbe, wellness, informacijska točka, izposoja in servis koles), ureditev okolice objekta z umestitvijo parkirnih mest ter ureditev gozdnih sprehajalnih in trim poti na celotnem obravnavanem območju.
I'm really sorry for some weird sentences, I'm not used to translate these kinds of texts into English. I hope it makes any sense - and yes, please let me know in the comment below. :)
I have already told you why I haven't blogged for so long, but I've decided to share with you "the evidence" too ;) I've been working on my masters thesis 'Concept design of an indoor Swimming pool in Sežana, Slovenia". With my project I want to show the potential for the development of new sports and leisure activities in the Municipality of Sežana. I was focusing on designing an area for socializing and sport activities, which will complete the current sports program, while improving the tourist service as well. The project is situated in Sežana, in the area which has already been planned for the development of sports facilities.
I have already told you why I haven't blogged for so long, but I've decided to share with you "the evidence" too ;) I've been working on my masters thesis 'Concept design of an indoor Swimming pool in Sežana, Slovenia". With my project I want to show the potential for the development of new sports and leisure activities in the Municipality of Sežana. I was focusing on designing an area for socializing and sport activities, which will complete the current sports program, while improving the tourist service as well. The project is situated in Sežana, in the area which has already been planned for the development of sports facilities.
The work comprises the concept design of the indoor swimming pool with the additional program (fitness, group exercise classes, wellness, info point, bicycle service + rent), design of the area around the building, the placement of the parking spaces and regulation of the hiking and trim trails throughout the area.
Lokacija se nahaja na robu mesta in je trenutno porasla z gozdom. Z umestitvijo objekta nisem želela razbiti zelene pokrajine, zato sem si zamislila dolg in nizek objekt v gozdu, s kamnito fasado, ki bi mimoidoče spominjal na kamnit kraški zid ob gozdni poti. Objekt se prilagaja geometriji okoliških objektov in prav tako reliefu, ki se znižuje proti jugu.
Ideja je bila ta, da se objekt podreja okolju, ustvarja domač in naraven ambient ter obiskovalcu zagotavlja posebno izkušnjo. Moja ideja je bila ustvariti »kraški« bazen, ki bo s svojo zunanjostjo in notranjostjo izražal lastnosti kraške pokrajine in arhitekture.
The location is situated on the edge of the city and it's currently covered with trees. I didn't want to destroy the landscape, so I've decided to design a long, but a low building with the stone facade, which will look like stone walls in the forest, that are typical for Karst landscape. The building follows the geometry of the surrounding buildings and it's adapted to the terrain, which lowers towards the South.
My idea was to create the building which subordinate to the surroundings, it forms homely and natural ambience and it provides a special experience to the visitor. I've wanted to design a "Karst" swimming pool, which will reflect the character of the Karst landscape and architecture.
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Plan 0 / tloris 0 |
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Plan -1 / tloris -1 |
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Plan - roof / tloris - streha |
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Western facade / zahodna fasada |
Na severovzhodnem delu, pred vhodom v objekt nastane urejen tlakovan trg, sredi katerega je že obstoječa vrtača z zelenjem. Glede na to, da so imele vrtače na Krasu v preteklosti pomembno vlogo, sem jo želela obdržati in tako že pred vhodom v objekt ustvariti zgodbo. Vrtača nastane prostor za druženje in sproščanje (fotografija spodaj).
Druga obstoječa vrtača se nahaja na jugovzhodnem delu objekta in bi bila oblikovana na tak način, kot so bile včasih. Namenjena bi bila predvsem zbiranju deževnice, obkrožena z urejeno in ograjeno zeleno površino, namenjeno obiskovalcem bazena.
On the North East side, where is the main entrance, I've designed the paved square with the existing Karst sinkhole in the middle. Sinkholes are the important part of the Karsts history, so I wanted to keep it and include it in my design. The sinkhole becomes a place for socializing and relaxing (photo below).
The other existing sinkhole is on the South - eastern side of the building and I've decided to use it the way, they used to in the past - as a place for collecting rainwater - "Kal".
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The sinkhole / Vrtača |
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View from the North / Pogled iz severa |
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View from the West / Pogled iz zahoda |
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View from the South East / pogled iz jugovzhoda |
To je le majhen del celotne naloge, ampak mislim, da sem zajela bistvo. Želela sem predstaviti še vse prostore in aktivnosti, materiale in konstrukcijo, ampak se mi zdi, da bi bila objava predolga. Napiši v komentar spodaj, če te zanima več o projektu in lahko naredim nadaljevanje. :)
This is just a small part of my project, but I think I've captured the essence of it. :) I wanted to describe all the activities and rooms in the building, materials, construction, but I think the post would be too long. If you are interested, I can make part 2 and (try to) write more :) Just let me know in the comment below.
xx, Maja
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