Wednesday 21 December 2016



Danes vam predstavljam Nino, ki ustvarja na blogu Kitchy World. Arhitektka, notranja oblikovalka, ustanoviteljica Vintage Vikenda in ljubiteljica vsega lepega. Njen blog me je pritegnil ravno zaradi tega, ker je eden redkih v Sloveniji, kjer lahko najdete objave o notranji opremi. Navdušile vas bodo fotografije čudovitih interjerjev, uporabni nasveti za ureditev in dekoracijo doma, poleg tega pa piše tudi o modi, potovanjih in lepoti. Nina, dobrodošla na mojem blogu! :)


Today I want to introduce you to Nina, who is creating a Kitchy World. An architect, interior designer, founder of Vintage Vikend and a lover of all the pretty things. Her blog got my attention, because it's one of the few In Slovenia, where you can find blog posts about interior design. You will be impressed by photos of beautiful interiors, useful tips on how to decorate and organize your home, in addition, she writes also about fashion, travels and beauty. Nina, welcome to my blog! :)

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Še nekaj dni je do božiča, pa me zanima kdaj tebe navadno zajame praznično vzdušje? Kdaj pri tebi doma začnete okraševati?

Božiča ne praznujem - darila pri nas nosi Dedek Mraz - in tako imam za nakup daril in praznično mrzlico malce več časa, dom pa rada okrasim že v začetku meseca, saj obožujem prvinskost vonja smrečja ter svetlobe novoletnih lučk.

Kako si svoj dom okrasila letos?

Želim si, da bi lahko rekla, da sem pri okraševanju blazno kreativna, resnica pa je, da za to vsako leto zmanjka časa in tako iz kleti prinesem jelko ter jo okrasim z okraski, ki sem jih izdelala v srednji šoli. To vsakoletno klasiko sem letos dopolnila z dekoracijo iz praznih steklenic, zimzelenih vejic in majcenih belih novoletnih lučk.

Uporabiš vsako leto enake barve in dekoracijo ali raje eksperimentiraš z različnimi?

Pri okraševanju sem osebno precej klasično naravnana in imam rada tradicionalno rdeče - zlato  -zeleno kombinacijo, ki se je za enkrat še nisem naveličala.

Na katere prostore pa se najbolj osredotočiš? Okrasiš vse prostore v stanovanju/hiši ali se osredotočiš le na dnevni prostor?

Pri okraševanju ne pretiravam, postavim jelko, na vhodna vrata obesim venček ter postavim nekoliko dekoracije na pianino. Menim, da dekoracija ne sme nadvladati prostoru temveč naj ga zgolj subtilno poudari.

Kako se pa na praznično obdobje pripravljaš kot blogerka? Kakšne objave lahko v teh dneh najdemo na tvojem blogu?

Moje objave so precej praznično obarvane; ta teden pripravljam eno o dekoraciji mize za praznično večerjo ter eno o prazničnih koktajlih, ki bodo brez dvoma oplemenitili družabne večere. 

Za konec pa še, imaš kakšno sporočilo, dobro misel, ki bi jo rada delila? 

Kaj pa vem, december je tak čas klišejev in visokoletečih obljub, ki se jim osebno najraje izognem. Si pa želim, da bi bili ljudje bolj strpni in razumevajoči eden do drugega.


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There are a few more days until Christmas, so I was wondering, when do you usually get in the holiday spirit? When do you start decorating for Christmas at your home?

I don't celebrate Christmas - we got presents from Dedek Mraz - so I have a little more time to prepare for this festive fever and to buy presents. But I like to decorate my home in the beginning of December, because I love the smell of the spruce and the lighting of the holiday lights.

How did you decorate for Christmas this year?

I wish I could say that I'm very creative when it comes to decorating for holidays, but the truth is that I run out of time every year. I bring my Christmas tree out of the basement and I decorate it with the ornaments I made in high school. This year I completed this annual classic with some empty bottles, evergreen twigs and tiny white holiday lights.

Do you choose the same colours and decorations every year or do you prefer to experiment with different ones?

I'm very classically oriented when it comes to holiday decorations. I like the traditional red - gold - green combination, and I still didn't get tired of it.

Which room do you focus the most on? Do you decorate all the rooms in your apartment/house or do you focus only on the living area?

I don't exaggerate when I'm decorating. I put up a Christmas tree, I hang a wreath on the door and I set up some decorations on the piano. I believe that the decorations shouldn't override the room, they should just highlight it subtly.

How do you prepare for the holiday season as a blogger? What kind of blog posts can we find on your blog these days?

My blog posts are quite festively themed these days. This week I'm preparing one about table decoration for a holiday dinner and one about holiday cocktails, which will undoubtedly enrich social evening events.

In the end, do you have a special message or a nice thought, you'd like to share?

I don't know. December is a time full of clichés and big promises, that I personally prefer to avoid. But I want that people would be more tolerant and understanding of each other.


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Nina je odgovarjala v slovenščini, angleški prevod sem se trudila napisati jaz, zato lahko pride do manjših odstopanj in napak. // Nina sent me her answers in Slovene, I tried to translate them, so there can be minor differences in the text and some mistakes.


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