SLO | Dobila sem nekaj predlogov, da naj napišem nekaj na temo kakšne so najpogostejše napake pri opremi in dekoraciji doma. Sama sicer še nimam toliko kilometrine za sabo pri opremljanju stanovanj, da bi lahko primere kar stresala iz rokava, ampak kot prvo mi na misel pride tole...
Po mojem mnenju je ena izmed najbolj pogostih napak ta, da se ljudje ne lotijo opremljanja svojega doma celovito. Opažam namreč, da veliko ljudi kupuje pohištvo, ki jim je všeč (kar je seveda povsem normalno), ampak pri tem ne gleda na to, ali bo ta kos lepo dopolnil prostor, ali se bo skladal s talno oblogo in že obstoječimi kosi v prostoru? Važno je, da je ugoden, jim je všeč in da služi svojemu namenu. Potem pa taki ljudje živijo v domu, kjer vlada kaos različnih stilov, barv in materialov. Vsak kos zase bi bil sicer čisto v redu, ampak v kombinaciji z ostalimi ne pride do izraza ali pa deluje odveč. Z napačno izbiro kosov pohištva, dekorja, barv in materialov, lahko prostor postane optično temnejši, manjši, nižji,... in tega se človek zave šele potem, ko je že prepozno. Ali pa se ne zave, samo ve, da ga v prostoru nekaj moti, pa ne ve točno kaj to je.
- Pomanjkanje financ je večkrat omenjen razlog za to. Nove kose pohištva se kupuje po potrebi in potem se v salonu osredotočamo samo na to, da potrebujemo novo jedilno mizo ali sedežno garnituro, pri tem pa ne pomislimo na vse stvari, ki jih v stanovanju že imamo. Če bi si že na začetku zadali rdečo nit, to ne bi bila več takšna težava.
- Nekateri spet pravijo, da je imeti lep in urejen dom stane veliko denarja. Če želite lep, urejen dom z vrhunsko designersko opremo, potem boste seveda odšteli veliko denarja, ampak najde se tudi veliko ugodnejših kosov, ki bodo videti prav tako lepo in bodo dobro služili svojemu namenu. Vsekakor so kosi za katere se dolgoročno splača dati raje malo več denarja, ampak so tudi takšni kosi, na katerih lahko veliko prihranite s tem, ko kupite cenejše.
- Včasih pa je razlog enostavno ta, da človek nima preveč smisla za to. Tudi, če se še tako nesramno sliši, nismo vsi ljudje za vse. (Na primer jaz nisem preveč dobra v kuhanju, modi, make up-u,...) Če ti je vseeno v kakšnem domu živiš in okolje v katerem živiš ne vpliva tudi na kakovost tvojega življenja, potem ok, uživaj in se ne obremenjuj. :) Če si pa želiš živeti v domu, ki bo udoben, funkcionalen in tudi prijeten na pogled, pa se le obrni na pomoč strokovnjaka. Tudi, če se ti na prvi pogled to zdi nepotreben in prevelik strošek, se bo zagotovo obrestovalo.
In my opinion, the most common mistake is that people don't furnish their home while thinking about the bigger picture. I've been noticing that a lot of people buy furniture they like (which is completely normal), but they don't think if this new piece will complement the room or if it will fit with the floor or existing pieces in the room? For them is important that it doesn't cost much, they like it and it serves its purpose. These people then live at home with a chaos of styles, colours and materials. Each piece by itself would be just fine, but in a combination with others it seems off and it looks redundant. The rooms can optically look darker, smaller and lower by selecting the wrong pieces of furniture and decorations, wrong colours and materials. And you realize it when it's already too late or you don't even realize it, but you know that something bothers you and you don't know what it is.
- The lack of finances is a very commonly mentioned reason for it. New pieces of furniture are purchased when necessary and then, in the furniture store, you focus only on that dining table you need or the sofa, while not thinking about all the things you already have in your room. This wouldn't be an issue if you'd set some guidelines at the beginning already.
- Some people again say that having a nice and neat home costs a lot of money. Well, if you want a beautiful home full of designer pieces, then yes, it will cost you a lot of money, but you can also find a lot of nice, more affordaable pieces of furniture, that will look just as nice and will serve its purpose well. There are pieces we need in our home that, in the long term, is better to spend a little more money for them, but there are also the pieces where you will save some money, because you can buy cheaper ones.
- Sometimes the simple reason is that someone doesn't have much sense of interior design. Even if it sounds rude, we can't be good in everything. It's ok. (For example, I'm not very good in cooking, fashion, make up,...) If you don't care in what kind of home you live and the environment around you doesn't affect the quality of your life, then ok, enjoy it and don't worry about it. :) But if you do want to live in home that is comfortable, functional and also pleasant to your eyes, ask for some professional advice. Maybe it seems unnecessary and too expensive at first, but it will definitely pay off.
ENG | I've got some suggestions to write a blog post about the most common mistakes people do when they are furnishing and decorating their homes. I don't have so many interior design project behind me to be able to just start talking about all the mistakes they do, but the first that comes to my mind is this one:
In my opinion, the most common mistake is that people don't furnish their home while thinking about the bigger picture. I've been noticing that a lot of people buy furniture they like (which is completely normal), but they don't think if this new piece will complement the room or if it will fit with the floor or existing pieces in the room? For them is important that it doesn't cost much, they like it and it serves its purpose. These people then live at home with a chaos of styles, colours and materials. Each piece by itself would be just fine, but in a combination with others it seems off and it looks redundant. The rooms can optically look darker, smaller and lower by selecting the wrong pieces of furniture and decorations, wrong colours and materials. And you realize it when it's already too late or you don't even realize it, but you know that something bothers you and you don't know what it is.
- The lack of finances is a very commonly mentioned reason for it. New pieces of furniture are purchased when necessary and then, in the furniture store, you focus only on that dining table you need or the sofa, while not thinking about all the things you already have in your room. This wouldn't be an issue if you'd set some guidelines at the beginning already.
- Some people again say that having a nice and neat home costs a lot of money. Well, if you want a beautiful home full of designer pieces, then yes, it will cost you a lot of money, but you can also find a lot of nice, more affordaable pieces of furniture, that will look just as nice and will serve its purpose well. There are pieces we need in our home that, in the long term, is better to spend a little more money for them, but there are also the pieces where you will save some money, because you can buy cheaper ones.
xx, Maja
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