Thursday, 14 February 2019


Ko sem mojemu dragemu omenila kakšno objavo pišem, se je zasmejal in me vprašal, zakaj pa kdo to potrebuje. Rekel je, da si vsak že uredi tako, kot mu paše in seveda se strinjam s tem. Vsak si lahko dom uredi tako, kot mu najbolj odgovarja, ampak včasih se zgodi, da ne veš kako bi si uredil ali kje bi sploh začel.

Občutek imam, da večina ljudi ne mara odprtih polic, ker le te prinesejo nepotrebno nabiranje prahu in nekaj več dela z organizacijo in pospravljanjem stvari na njih. Take police so hitro videti neurejeno in v prostor prinesejo kaos namesto urejenosti. Kako torej organizirati stvari na odprtih policah? Tako se organizacije lotim jaz. :)

When I told my boyfriend what kind of post I'm writing, he smiled and asked why would anyone needed it. He said that everyone should organize their shelves as they wish and I agree. Everyone can organize them however he wants, but sometimes you don't how how or where should you start.

I have a feeling that most people don't like to have open shelves at home. Open shelves bring you unnecessary dust accumulation and more work with the organization and tidying things on them. Such shelves can quickly look messy and they bring chaos in your home instead of neatness. So, how can you organize things on your shelves? This is how I organize my Kallax shelves. :)



Če si že videl/a moje prejšnje objave o ureditvi našega najemniškega stanovanja, potem si mogoče opazil/a, da živimo v malo večji garsonjeri in zato res pazim kako organiziram prostor, da bi deloval čimbolj funkcionalno, odprto in svetlo. Ena izmed stvari, ki sem si jo želela narediti, ko smo se vselili, je bila vizualna ločitev spalnega dela od dnevnega. Ker pa sem morala spalni del urediti ob oknu, bi z vsako stvarjo, ki bi jo postavila med posteljo in bivalni del močno zmanjšala prehod naravne svetlobe v bivalni del. Tako sem se odločila, da med spalni in bivalni del postavim Kallax odprte police, ki bodo omogočale, da skoznje še vedno prehaja svetloba, a hkrati bodo služile kot pregrada med dvema deloma stanovanja.


Ko opazim, da so stvari na policah že malo preveč nametane, ko najdem en kup stvari, ki tja sploh ne sodi in ko se nabere že nekaj prahu, je čas za ponovno organizacijo. Odstranim vse stvari iz polic in jih odložim na posteljo. Med praznjenjem že sproti razvrščam stvari v eno izmed kategorij:

1. stvari, ki imajo prostor nekje drugje
2. stvari, ki jih ne potrebujem več
3. stvari, ki se vračajo nazaj na police

Police najprej očistim od zgoraj navzdol in potem se lotim ponovnega zlaganja na police.


Za to tehtanje ne potrebuješ tehtnice. :) Ampak samo predstavljaj si, da pod regal na sredino postaviš en valj. Leva in desna stran morata biti uravnoteženi, drugače se bo regal prevrnil. Pri tem pa seveda ni pomembna dejanska teža stvari, ampak vizualna. Jaz to težo vrednotim glede na zapolnjenost prostorčka in glede na barvo. Bolj kot je prostor poln, težji je in bolj kot je stvar temna, težja deluje. Ko imam to v mislih začnem postavljati stvari na polico od "težjih" do "lažjih", s tem, da upoštevam, da se težje in lažje stvari izmenjujejo. Pazim pa tudi na to, da je večina teže v spodnjem delu in se proti višini zmanjšuje. Moj cilj je namreč, da ohranjam del pri tleh bolj zaprt, da se skozi police ne vidi postelje, police zgoraj pa so bolj odprte, da skoznje dobim čim več naravne svetlobe.

Na police vedno najprej postavim knjige. Nimamo jih veliko, ampak te, ki jih imamo, so razvrščene v tri skupine - otroške knjige, knjige za prosti čas in knjige ter katalogi povezani z mojim delom. Vsak kupček knjig mi zapolni ravno eno polico. Ker so ravno trije kupi knjig, postavim enega na eno izmed polic na levi, enega na desno, tretjega pa na sredino. Najlažje je, če so stvari postavljene simetrično, vendar veliko lepše izpade, če se izognemo popolni simetriji. Težavo pri knjigah mi povzročajo platnice. Najraje bi videla, da bi bile vse v nevtralnih barvah, ampak ker niso, sem se odločila, da jih razvrstim po velikosti od največje do najmanjše in vsaj tako dobim nekaj urejenosti, če so že barve pravi kaos. ;)

Škatle za shranjevanje so odlična rešitev, ko imamo več stvari, ki ne sodijo na police, ampak jih moramo tja pospraviti, ker drugje nimamo prostora ali pa jih tam potrebujemo. Tako imam naprimer v eni škatli spravljen likalnik in destilirano vodo. V drugi škatli je šivalni pribor in vse kar je povezano s šivanjem, v dveh so raznorazne stvari, ki niso pogosto v uporabi, v peti škatli pa je trenutno odeja, ki je v uporabi le v poletnih dneh. Te škatle postavim bolj k tlom in tako poskrbim, da zakrijem pogled na posteljo.

Odeje, blazine, tudi plišaste igrače celoten videz malce omehčajo in dodajo občutek udobja. Na policah imam vedno pospravljene odeje, saj želim, da so vedno pri roki, ko jih v mrzlih zimskih dneh najbolj potrebujem. Plišaste igrače pa se malce navezujejo na igralni kotiček, ki je zraven. :)

Imam dva fotoaparata, dve posodi za svečo, dva napisa iz lesenih črk, dve fotografiji v okvirju... in vse to razvrstim po preostalih policah tako, da eno stvar postavim bolj na levo stran, drugo pa bolj na desno. Nekatere pare razporedim tako, da so postavljeni simetrično glede na sredinsko navpično os, večinoma pa stvari raje malce zamaknem. Všeč mi je, ko se stvari na policah ponavljajo in ustvarijo občutek, da so prostorčki med seboj bolj povezani.

Tako kot skrbim, da so prostorčki uravnoteženi glede na to koliko so zapolnjeni, skrbim tudi, da so uravnoteženi glede na barvo. Stvari vedno zamaknem tako, da se ista barva ne ponovi tudi v sosednjem prostoru, če pa se že mora ponoviti, dodam zraven še nekaj v drugi barvi.


Ko ne živiš sam, je težko ohranjati police urejene, ker vsak dan najdem na policah kaj, kar tja ne sodi. Vsakodnevno poskušam takšne stvari umikati, ampak če kakšen teden nisem pozorna, že nastane kaos. Zdaj, ko imamo doma še majhno raziskovalko, sem police uredila tako, da so pri tleh stvari, ki zanjo niso nevarne in jih ne more z lahkoto izvleči iz polic. Pred kratkim pa sem pred police postavila še našo zofo, tako da bodo spodnje police dostopne le iz spalnega dela. Že vidim, da se bodo zdaj tam stvari še hitreje nabirale.

Tebi so všeč odprte police? Kako se pa ti lotiš organiziranja? 



If you saw my older blog post about our rental apartment makeover, then you probably noticed that we live in a studio apartment. I really put some effort into organizing the place to be as functional, open and light as it could be. One of the things I wanted to do, when we moved in, was to visually separate our bedroom from other areas. But since I had to arrange our bedroom next to the window, everything I'd put in between the bedroom and living area, would block the sunlight. So I decided to use a Kallax shelving unit, which will allow the sunlight to pass through, but at the same time, it will serve as a visual barrier between sleeping and living area.


When I notice that the shelves are a little too messy, when I can find several items that don't belong there and when there is too much dust, it's time for (re) organization. I remove all of the stuff from the shelves and I put them on the bed. In the mean time I try to sort all the thing in one of three groups:

1. things that have a place somewhere else
2. things that I don't need anymore
3. things that go back to the shelves

Firstly, I clean the shelf unit from top to bottom and then I start putting things back on the shelves.


You don't need an actual weighing scale to do this. :) But, just imagine that you put your shelving unit on the cylinder. The left and right side should be balanced or the unit will fall. But I'm not talking about the real weight of the items, but about the visual weight. I value the weight according to how much the shelf is filled and according to the colour of the things. The more the shelf is full, the heavier it is and more darker items are the heavier they feel. When I have this in mind, I start putting things back on the shelves from "heavier" to "lighter", by taking into account that I don't want to put things of the same weight next to each other. I also pay attention that the shelves at the bottom are a fuller than the ones at the top. My goal is to keep the shelving unit more closed at the bottom, to hide our bed and more open at the top, to let natural light get through them.

I always put books on the shelves first. We do not have many books, but the ones we have, I sort into three groups - children books, books for light reading and books and catalogs related to my work.
Each of these groups fills one shelf. Because there are three piles of books I put one on the left side, one on the right side and a third pile somewhere in the middle. The easiest way is to put them symmetrically, but it looks much better if you avoid complete symmetry. The problem I have with books are their covers. I'd like to see that all books come in neutral colours, but they don't, so I decided to organize them by height to get some order.

Storage boxes are a great solution when we have more things that don't look good on  open shelves, but we have to put them there, because we have no place elsewhere or we need them to be there. For example, I have a steam iron and distilled water in one box. There is everything related to sewing in the second box. Two boxes are full of things we don't need often and there is a blanket in the fifth box, because we use it on our bed during summer. I put those boxes on the lower shelves, so you can't really see the bed from the living area.

Blankets, cushions, also plush toys soften the look of the shelving unit and they add a sense of cosiness. I always keep blankest on the shelves, because I want them to be at hand whenever I need them most in cold winter days.

I have two cameras, two candle holders, two sets of wooden letters, two photos in a frame...and I sort all these things on the empty shelves. I put one thing more on the left and its pair more on the right side. I arrange same pairs symmetrically according to the middle vertical axis, but mostly I try to mix them a bit. I like when the things are repeated. All the shelves look more connected that way.

Just as I'm keeping the shelves balanced regarding to how full they are, I also take care that they are balanced regarding to the colour. I don't want to repeat the same colour in two adjacent shelves.


When you don't live alone, it's hard to keep the shelves organized. Everyday I can find different things that don't belong there, so I try to put them away as often as possible. It happens that I don't give attention to it for a week and suddenly there is huge chaos all over the shelves. Now, that we have a little explorer at home, I organized all the things according to her. Closer to the floor there are things that are not dangerous or she can't pull them. Two weeks ago I also moved our sofa back to the old place, so she can't reach the bottom shelves from her play area. We can access to these shelves from the sleeping area only and I can already predict that there will be a mess more often than before.

Do you like open shelves? How do you organize them?

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