Ko sem mojemu dragemu omenila kakšno objavo pišem, se je zasmejal in me vprašal, zakaj pa kdo to potrebuje. Rekel je, da si vsak že uredi tako, kot mu paše in seveda se strinjam s tem. Vsak si lahko dom uredi tako, kot mu najbolj odgovarja, ampak včasih se zgodi, da ne veš kako bi si uredil ali kje bi sploh začel.
Občutek imam, da večina ljudi ne mara odprtih polic, ker le te prinesejo nepotrebno nabiranje prahu in nekaj več dela z organizacijo in pospravljanjem stvari na njih. Take police so hitro videti neurejeno in v prostor prinesejo kaos namesto urejenosti. Kako torej organizirati stvari na odprtih policah? Tako se organizacije lotim jaz. :)
I have a feeling that most people don't like to have open shelves at home. Open shelves bring you unnecessary dust accumulation and more work with the organization and tidying things on them. Such shelves can quickly look messy and they bring chaos in your home instead of neatness. So, how can you organize things on your shelves? This is how I organize my Kallax shelves. :)
Občutek imam, da večina ljudi ne mara odprtih polic, ker le te prinesejo nepotrebno nabiranje prahu in nekaj več dela z organizacijo in pospravljanjem stvari na njih. Take police so hitro videti neurejeno in v prostor prinesejo kaos namesto urejenosti. Kako torej organizirati stvari na odprtih policah? Tako se organizacije lotim jaz. :)
When I told my boyfriend what kind of post I'm writing, he smiled and asked why would anyone needed it. He said that everyone should organize their shelves as they wish and I agree. Everyone can organize them however he wants, but sometimes you don't how how or where should you start.I have a feeling that most people don't like to have open shelves at home. Open shelves bring you unnecessary dust accumulation and more work with the organization and tidying things on them. Such shelves can quickly look messy and they bring chaos in your home instead of neatness. So, how can you organize things on your shelves? This is how I organize my Kallax shelves. :)