SLO | Prejšnji teden sem z vami delila en lušten delovni kotiček, danes pa sem se odločila, da vas povabim v svojega. Naj povem, da ni 100% takšen, kot bi si ga želela, ampak to je največ kar sem lahko naredila z opremo in denarjem, ki sem ga imela takrat na voljo in glede na razpoložljiva sredstva, sem z njim zelo zadovoljna (za zdaj ;) ).
ENG | Last week I shared with you a lovely working area, but today I'm inviting you to my workspace at home. Let me say that it's not 100% as I wanted it to be, but this is the most I could do with the furniture and budget I had and I'm happy with it (for now ;) )

xx, Maja
Lepo imaš <3
ReplyDeleteHvala Katja :)
DeleteKrasen kotiček. Like it**
ReplyDeleteHvala Monika! :)*
DeleteLove this! Looks great Maja :)
ReplyDeletePs awesome photos, teach me your ways!
Thank you Lauren! :) Oh, I really love taking photos, this is my favourite part of blogging. The first tip is: you need a good camera (I used to take photos with my phone and it was a disaster. I have a Nikon DSRL camera now and I love it. Second one: you have to practise. Check some of my old posts :D