Sunday 2 August 2015


What is the difference between the house/apartment and a home? The difference is in these little things around us, that we love and makes us happy and comfortable. "A home is made of bricks and beams, a home is built of love and dreams." We moved to current apartment exactly a year ago and since then I've been trying to turn it into a home. I'm still a student (I hope only for 2 more months), so I don't have much money to decorate the place as I want to. That's why I love DIY projects! With a little time and effort you can make amazing things! One thing that I've wanted to do for a long time is to decorate the empty wall behind my desk with some photos and printed or painted quotes.

I already had a small white canvas in my drawer, so I decided to start building my "wall art" with a simple black and white painted quote on a canvas. "She believed She could, so She did". I love this quote and since I'm working on my final project at the moment, I need some motivation. :) I took the canvas, draw some lines and lightly wrote the quote on it with a pencil. I had some problems with the paint brushes. The letters were so tiny and I had only some thick paint brushes, so I took a toothpick and write the quote with it :) I think it would be so much better to make a stencil and just colour all over it, but I wanted the letters to be thin and handwritten. It would be hard to make a stencil like this at home. So on the photos below you can see the progress and my final result. Now I really want to make more of these and maybe try something similar like the quote above, on the picture number 2 (on top in the middle). I love it!

What quote would you like to put on a canvas or print it out and put in the frame? Share your thoughts in the comment below :)

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  1. I'm a HUGE fan of the black and white lettering!

    1. I'm obsessed! ;) Thank you for your comment! :)


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