Saturday, 13 June 2015


We had a field trip in our 3rd year at University, but it wasn't an excursion like any other. We went there to sketch the beautiful Italy. I was so nervous. It was a first time that we went out to sketch some real buildings out and we had to do it in 5 minutes. Professor was walking around, correcting us and I was so afraid that my hands were shaking when I tried to draw my first line very carefully. You can imagine how did my first pilasters look like :D Drawing a sketch after sketch I finally realized that slow and careful motions don't bring good results. After a week I learned so much - I was confident and I was able to finish a sketch in 5 min. :D I'm not saying that I can perfectly sketch now, but for sure I learned a lot and I'm happy that I did.

So, after 5 posts "Travel to Italy" where you can see photos from our field trip, I decided to show you some of my sketches. Feel free to comment and discuss in the comment section below. :)

Previous posts from our trip to Italy:

Make sure to follow me on TwitterBloglovinGoogle+ or/and GFC if you don't want to miss my next post. 

I also have a NEW INSTAGRAM profile, where I will be posting everything ARCHITECTURE - DESIGN - DIY :)
Show me your sketches using #MVblogging

Piazza dei Miracoli, Pisa

Santa Maria Assunta, Siena

San Miniato al Monte - exterior, Florence

Villa La Rotonda, Vicenza

San Miniato al Monte - interior, Florence

La cappella Pazzi - interior, Florence

La cappella Pazzi - exterior, Florence

Il Duomo di San Gimignano, Piazza del Duomo, San Gimignano


Palazzo dei Consoli, Gubbio

Basilica Palladiana, Vicenza

Museo di San Marco, details, Florence

Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Florence

Ponte Vecchio, Florence

Piazza del Campo, Siena

La Basilica di San Francesco, Assisi

Il Tempio Malatestiano, Rimini

Basilica di Sant'Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenna
Santa Maria del Fiore, dome, Florence

Make sure to follow me on TwitterBloglovinGoogle+ or/and GFC if you don't want to miss my next post. 

I also have a NEW INSTAGRAM profile, where I will be posting everything ARCHITECTURE - DESIGN - DIY :)
Show me your sketches using #MVblogging


  1. Ooo, 5 minut - mamma mia bi rekli italijani. Ful so hude skice. So mi še bolj všeč kot fotke :D Kr fotka lahko vsak, skicira pa ne ravno :D

    1. Hvala :) Ja, recimo Pise si sploh ogledati nismo utegnili, ker smo imeli na voljo le približno 5 min za zunanjo skico in potem je profesor že hitel naprej v notranjost, kjer smo imeli še malo več kot 5 minut za drugo skico in že spet je hitel naprej. Zato imam toliko fotografij od tam, ker sem si pred skiciranjem vse poslikala, za vsak slučaj ;)

  2. I love drawings and sketches of architecture! So beautiful!

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