Monday, 14 January 2019


marble storage box diy


Prvo škatlo, ki sem jo ovila v marmornato samolepilno folijo sem uporabila za darilo in priznam, da me je tako navdušila, da sem jo želela obdržati zase. Tisto sem vseeno podarila naprej, ampak odločila sem se, da še sebi naredim par marmornatih škatlic. Preden nadaljuješ te opozorim, da zna postati zasvojljivo, ko enkrat preizkusiš. Pazi, da na koncu ne bo celotno tvoje stanovanje polepljeno v samolepilno folijo. ;)

Ko dobim malo bolj kvalitetne škatlice jih spravim, ker jih rada uporabim za shranjevanje raznoraznih stvari. Uporabim jih za organizacijo stvari v predalih, omarah in na policah. Ampak te škatlice so potem vseh možnih barv in jih raje uporabim nekje, kjer niso vidne. Potem sem se spomnila kako smo enkrat pri maketi uporabili samolepilno folijo lesa in kako sem si potem želela še polovico stvari doma oblepiti z ostanki folije, pa sem si rekla, da bom spet kupila eno takšno samolepilno folijo in malo eksperimentirala.


The first box I've wrapped in the marble contact paper was a gift box and I have to admit, I was so impressed, that I wanted to keep it for myself. I gave it away, but I decided to make a couple  of marble boxes for myself too. Before you continue, I warn you that it can become addictive once you try it out. ;) Be careful not to end up in the apartment wrapped in the contact paper. ;)

Whenever I get a box of better quality, I keep it, because I like to use small boxes to store all sorts of things. I use them to organize things in the drawers, my closet and on shelves. But these boxes usually come in different colours, so I prefer to use them somewhere where they are not visible. Then I remembered how we used contact paper once in a model of an interior design project and how I wanted to wrap half of my things at home with the remnants of it. So I thought, I should buy a contact paper like that one and try it out a bit.

marble storage box diy


V trgovini sem si ogledovala različne folije in se odločila za vzorec marmorja, da bodo te moje škatlice postale malo bolj šik. ;) Folija naj bi po opisu bila namenjena dekoraciji bivalnih prostorov in pohištva, ampak se mi natisnjen vzorec ne zdi toliko kvaliteten, da bi ga uporabila na večjih površinah. Vsaj pri teh, ki sem jih jaz gledala je bilo tako. 

Kupila sem najmanjšo rolo 0,45 x 2m za 5,55€ in se z navdušenjem lotila lepljenja prve škatle. :)

Odrezala sem le toliko folije, kolikor sem jo potrebovala + malo dodatnega roba, za lepše zaključke. Odlepila sem en pas folije in jo zalepila na škatlo. Pomagala sem si z ravnilom, da sem folijo nalepila čim bolj enakomerno in da pod njo niso ostali zračni mehurčki.

Cel proces lepljenja ni nobena znanost. Mislim celo, da sem prvo škatlo še najlepše zalepila.

  • Je pa potrebno paziti, da se folija na robovih prekriva in ne stika, saj nastane lepši zaključek.
  • Notranjost škatle je težje zalepiti, zato jo raje oblepi v več delih robovi + dno.
  • Če notranjost škatle ne bo oblepljena, naj bodo robovi folije, ki gledajo čez rob enako dolgi.
Na koncu objave si oglej končni rezultat. 
Kakšen vzorec pa bi ti izbral/a za svoje škatlice? :)


I've been searching through different patterns and decided for a marble one to make my boxes more chic. ;) According to the description on the website, this contact paper is intended for interior decoration and furniture renovation, but the pattern, in my opinion, doesn't look so much realistic to be used on large surfaces - at least the ones I've seen. 

I've bought the smallest roll 0,45 x 2m for 5,55€ and I excitedly started wrapping the first box. :D

I cut off just as much of the paper as I needed +  I left some extra space for the edges. I peeled off only one stripe of the paper and stick it to the box. Using the ruler helped me stick it as smoothly as possible.

All this wrapping is not so hard. I even think the first box I wrapped was the nicest one.

  • However the result is better if the paper on the edges is ovelapping
  • It's so much harder to wrap the inside of the box, so you do it in several steps edges + bottom.
  • If you are not planning to wrap the inside of the box, make sure your edges are evenly cut and they are all the same length.
Check out the final result at the end of this blog post.
What pattern would you choose for your storage boxes? :)

marble storage box diy
marble storage box diy
marble storage box diy
marble storage box diy
marble storage box diy


marble storage box diy
marble storage box diy

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