Ta projekt se je začel kakšni dve leti nazaj, ko sem dobila dve rabljeni paleti in jih shranila v kleti bloka. Idej kaj narediti z njima mi ni manjkalo, mi je pa manjkal prostor in orodje za ustvarjanje, zato jih je bilo potrebno pretovoriti k mojemu dragemu domov. :)
I started working on this project about 2 years ago, when I got two used pallets and I saved them in the basement of my apartment building. I had plenty ideas what to do with them, but I didn't have a place, nor the tools to create what I wanted to. So I had to move them to my boyfriend's parents house. :)
Če nimaš svojega prostora za ustvarjanje, se delovni proces hitro zavleče. Tako mi je prvo leto uspelo zbrusiti eno paleto in to je bilo to. Za brušenje palete sem si izposodila vibracijski brusilnik, dokupila sem le različno hrapave brusne papirje. Začela sem z bolj grobimi in zaključila z bolj finim.Lansko pomlad pa sem se le odločila kaj bom naredila iz teh palet - posteljni naslon. Po brušenju palet je tako sledilo še lakiranje. Najprej sem iz njih izpihala ves prah, namešala mešanico laka in razredčila in s pomočjo valjčka za beljenje nanesla prvi nanos. Uporabila sem brezbarvni mat premaz za les. Ko se je prvi nanos posušil, sem nanesla še drugega in počakala, da se posuši. Mi je bila pa druga paleta veliko bolj všeč od prve, saj sem na prvo nanesla preveč laka.
Želela sem enostaven naslon, s tem da ohranim palete, saj vmesni prostor odlično služi za napeljavo raznih kablov in razdelilcev, ki so tako skriti ampak tudi enostavno dosegljivi.
When you don't have your own place to work and create, the working process is quickly stretched in the longer period of time. So in the first year I sanded and cleaned one pallet and that was it. I borrowed the hand sander for sanding the pallet. All I had to buy was a sandpaper with different grit sizes. I started with the coarser one and finish with the finest.
Last spring I finally decided what I wanted to do with these two pallets - a headboard for our bed. After sanding the pallets I had to coat them with the coating for wood. Firstly, I cleaned all the dust, I mixed the coating with the diluent and then I applied the first coat of the mixture with a paint roller. I bought a colorless matt coating for wood. The first coat was dry after awhile and I applied the second coat. At the end, I was so much happier with the result of the second pallet, because I used too much coating on the first one.
I wanted to make a simple headboard, so I can keep the pallets as they were. The space in between is perfect to store different cables and electric dividers. They are hidden but easily accessible.
(Sorry if I used some weird terms. I'm not really familiar with English vocabulary for these tolls and the work I did. Google was my friend when I was searching for these terms and you know, Google is funny sometimes. ;) )
Last spring I finally decided what I wanted to do with these two pallets - a headboard for our bed. After sanding the pallets I had to coat them with the coating for wood. Firstly, I cleaned all the dust, I mixed the coating with the diluent and then I applied the first coat of the mixture with a paint roller. I bought a colorless matt coating for wood. The first coat was dry after awhile and I applied the second coat. At the end, I was so much happier with the result of the second pallet, because I used too much coating on the first one.
I wanted to make a simple headboard, so I can keep the pallets as they were. The space in between is perfect to store different cables and electric dividers. They are hidden but easily accessible.
(Sorry if I used some weird terms. I'm not really familiar with English vocabulary for these tolls and the work I did. Google was my friend when I was searching for these terms and you know, Google is funny sometimes. ;) )

xo, Maja
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